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Professional Address:
PO Box 485
204 Summit Avenue
Center City, MN 55012

 303-2355 (651)  (Mobile) (E-mail)


Home Address:
204 Summit Avenue
PO Box 221

Center City, MN 55012, USA
(651) 257-1641



I. Current and Recent Professional Work (Administrative, Consultative, Clinical)
1988 - present Clinical Director, Bamboo Professionals ( also,
formerly and still doing consultation and training work as
Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D.,LP and Associates) These positions
involve administration, supervision, assessment, consultation,
training, debriefings, defusings, and other crisis management

Staff wellness and international staff consultation are provided as well as research, assessment,
program and organizational development with private industry,
emergency services, and national and international humanitarian

1980 – Sept, 2016 President, co-director, and chief psychologist - Lakes Area
Human Services, Inc.; a multidisciplinary outpatient mental

8 Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D., L.P.; (651) 303-2355;

health, employee assistance, and chemical dependency clinic.
This position involves administrative, consultative, supervision,
educational, and clinical responsibilities. Specialized work
includes program development and clinical skills in trauma,
forensics, panic disorder, and employee assistance.
1991 to present International Services Consultant: This position has
involved a variety of disaster psychology consultations with
several organizations., including the American Refugee
Committee , the International Services Department of the
American Red Cross, Pakistan Red Crescent, IFRC, the
Psychosocial Reference Centre, the Danish Red Cross, the
Canadian Red Cross, Merlin, Helpage, World Vision, Guyana Red
Cross and Sunsocret, A summary of the specific assignments is
available if requested.

1987 - present: Law Enforcement Consultant: This position involves providing
psychological assessments, personnel consultation, critical
incident stress debriefings, fitness for duty evaluations, research,
and training for applicants and staff of local, state, and federal
law enforcement agencies and labor organizations.

January 1988 - present: Workshop Speaker and Trainer: Providing professional training
and consultation on critical incident and trauma work, disaster
psychology, psychological first aid, coping with deployment and

individual and occupational stress management.

II. Earlier Professional Work
ï‚·. Clinical Director and Consulting Psychologist - Family Service St. Croix
ï‚·. Consulting Psychologist - Minnesota Department of Corrections
ï‚·. Consultant - Hazelden Foundation
ï‚·. Consultant - Mission Creek Ranch
ï‚·. Regional Special Education and Early Childhood Consultant - ECSU, St. Cloud State
ï‚·. Special Education Systems Consultant - Pine County Special Education Cooperative
ï‚·. Project Administrator - Greater Lakes Area Regional Resource Center, and Great Lakes
Area Learning Resource Center; Minnesota Department of Education
ï‚·. Systems Consultant - Minnesota Department of Education, Special and Compensatory
Education Division
ï‚·. Program Consultant - Northwest Regional Education Center, Cumberland, Wisconsin
ï‚·. Coordinator - School Psychology and Social Work Services, Minnesota Department of
Education, Special Services Section
ï‚·. Consulting Psychologist - Federal Correctional Institution
ï‚·. Human Relations Consultant - Minnesota Indian Affairs Commission
ï‚·. Community Psychologist - Northern Pines Guidance Clinic
ï‚·. Consulting Psychologist - Governor’s Commission on the Prevention and Control of Crime,

8 Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D., L.P.; (651) 303-2355;
St. Paul, Minnesota
ï‚·. Program Consultant - Crookston Regional Inter-district Council for Special Education
ï‚·. Community Psychologist - Northwest Mental Health Center
ï‚·. Placement Consultant - Minnesota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
ï‚·. Project Developer - Minnesota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, St. Cloud Reformatory
ï‚·. Counselor in Charge - Minnesota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
ï‚·. Assistant Program Director - St. Joseph’s Home

III. College and University Teaching Assignments

June, 2003 Adjunct faculty, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota.
This position involved the course” Psychosocial Approaches in
Disaster Preparedness”.
September 1978 - Faculty and Assistant Professor Status, St. Cloud State
June 1980 University, St. Cloud, MN. This position, which developed into
half-time status for the second year, included graduate school
teaching of group methods, teaming, and community resource
development, and early childhood-special education assessment

September 1978 - Faculty (part-time), East Central Community College, Cambridge,
September 1979 MN. This position involved the teaching of General Psychology
to undergraduate students.
September 1973 - Faculty (part-time), Chapman College, Orange County, CA. This
June 1975 position involved the teaching of child and adolescent psychology
to students on military bases in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
September 1981 - Clinical supervision of graduate students. This includes
Present supervising the clinical practice work of graduate students in
several mental health fields in programs at the University of
Minnesota, University of St. Thomas, St. Mary’s College, the
Minnesota School of Professional Psychology, and Luther-

Northwestern Seminaries.

IV. Formal Education
1958 - 1959 St. Gregory’s College, Cincinnati, OH
1959 - 1960 St. Thomas College, St. Paul, MN
1960 - 1962 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

B.A., Psychology, Minor in Sociology, December 1962.

1964 - 1969 University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND

8 Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D., L.P.; (651) 303-2355;

Graduate work in general, experimental, and clinical psychology.
M.A., Psychology, 1969. Thesis title: “The Use of the MMPI in
Differentiating Early Multiple Sclerosis and Conversion Hysteria.”

1971 - 1972 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Graduate work in special education.

1974 - 1977 Ph. D., Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Doctoral Program, Community Psychology.
Coursework in Psychopathology, measurement, social
psychology, sociology, community organization, and community
psychology. Administrative Fellow: Department of Psychiatry,
University of Minnesota Hospitals. Community Psychology
Research Consultant Internship: Central Minnesota Mental Health

Center. Preliminary paper, “The Application of Psychology to
Rural Social Systems.” Dissertation, “The Relationship of
Ideology, Job Codification, and Location to Community Mental
Health Program Development.” Final orals passed and Ph.D.
awarded on 11-1-77.

V. Licensure and Certification
June 1968 Certified as Psychologist, by the Minnesota State Board of

Examiners of Psychologists

September 1970 Certified as School Psychologist, Level II, by the Minnesota

Department of Education

January 1975 Licensed as Psychologist, by the Minnesota Licensing Board
June 1980 Licensed as Consulting Psychologist, by the Minnesota Board of

Psychology - Current license number is LP1221

December 1981 Vocational Education License - Family Life, Parenting, and

Health Occupations

June 1983 Certified by Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis
1991 - Present American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Certification
Disaster Mental Health Instructor, Critical Response Team,
Managerial Status

VI. Professional Affiliations (past and/or current)
American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress
American Board of Forensic Examiners - Diplomat Status
American College of Forensic Psychology
American Psychological Association
Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Association of Trauma Specialists
European Congress of Psychology

8 Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D., L.P.; (651) 303-2355;
International Association for the Study of Pain
International Association of Chiefs of Police - Psychological Services Section
International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies
Global Awareness Society
Psychologists for Social Responsibility
World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine

VII. Articles, Chapters, Papers, and Conference Presentations
Dodge, Gordon R. Disaster Psychology Workshop conducted at the WADEM Congress,
Cape Town, South Africa, April 22nd, 2015.
Dodge, Gordon R. Community Psychology Workshop conducted at the University Teaching
Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia, April 16 th , 2015
Dodge, Gordon R. A Model for Psychosocial Assessment: Burmese Refugee Camps, paper
presented at the WADEM Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, April 22 nd , 2015.
Dodge, Gordon R.. Clinical and Community Psychology Interventions for Critical Incidents and
Emergency Phase Disasters, conducted at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka,
Zambia, April 15 th , 2015.
Dodge, Gordon R. Lessons Learned, Unlearned, and Re-learned from 20 years work as an
international disaster psychologist. Workshop conducted at the I.S.T.S.S conference,
Philadelphia, PA. November 9 th , 2013.
Dodge, Gordon R. (2009) Floods, Hurricanes, Wildfires, Plane Crashes: You Want to Help but
Don’t Know How? , Minnesota Psychologist, 58(4), 9-10.
Dodge, Gordon R. And Williams, Robert (2007) Brief Ericksonian Community Therapy –
Community in Conflict as the Patient. Tenth International Ericksonian Congress,
Phoenix, Arizona, December, 2007.
Dodge, Gordon R. & Sarwar, Naeem, (2007) Meeting the Psychosocial Needs of the Elderly
Kashmir Earthquake Survivors, Coping with Crisis, #2, June, 2007, Psychological
Reference Center, Danish Red Cross, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dodge, Gordon R. (2006a) Assessing the psychosocial needs of communities affected by
disaster. In G Reyes & G.A.Jacobs (Eds.) Handbook of International Disaster
Psychology.Vol.1, Fundamentals and Overview. Westport, CT. Praeger Publishers
Dodge, Gordon R. (2006b) In defense of a community psychology model for international
psychosocial intervention. In G. Reyes & G.A.Jacobs(Eds.) Handbook of International
Disaster Psychology. Vol 1, Fundamentals and Overview. Westport, CT. Praeger
Dodge, Gordon R., Matthews, Will, & Aube, Nicole. National Worker Care Plan and Protocol
for the Canadian Red Cross. Canadian Red Cross National Headquarters, Ottawa, CA,
Dodge, Gordon R., & Matthews, Will. Worker Care Training Modules for disaster workers,
supervisors and managers, and worker care personnel. Canadian Red Cross, National
Headquarters, Ottawa, CA. 2006.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Critical Incident Stress Management.” Twenty-eight two-day and eleven
One-day presentations between 1995 and present.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Understanding Workplace Trauma.” Eighteen workshops and
presentations between 1996 and present.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Psychosocial Needs Assessment and Recommendations for the Refugees
in Ban Don Yang, NuPo, and Umpiem Mai Camps, Thailand.

8 Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D., L.P.; (651) 303-2355;
Dodge, Gordon R. “Psychosocial Needs Assessment in Emergency Situations”, International
Federation of the Red Cross Roster Meeting, Nottingham, UK, April, 2004.
Dodge, Gordon R. “In Defense of a Community Psychology Model for International
Psychosocial Interventions,” Psychologists for Social Responsibility Conference,
University of Maine, Orono, Maine, July, 2002.
Dodge, Gordon R. “When a Disaster Hits Our Community-Emotional Consequences-Useful
Responses,” Arizona Association of Counties Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona,
November 15 th , 2001.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Evaluation of the Kosovo Psychosocial Program”, The 4 th International Red
Cross and Red Crescent Conference on Psychological Support, Copenhagen,
Denmark, Oct. 18-21, 2001.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Meeting the Psychosocial Needs of the Survivors of the Gujarat
Earthquake”, Innovations in Disaster Mental Health Conference, August 19-21, 2001
Rapid City, South Dakota
Dodge, Gordon R. “Kosovo Crisis - The Development of a Protocol for a Rapid Psychosocial
Needs Assessment.” Global Awareness Society International Conference, New York,
NY. May 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.” 12th Annual Burn Care Today
Conference, St. Paul, MN. May 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Introduction to Disaster Psychology.” Minnesota Psychological Association
Annual Conference, Rutgers Resort, Garrison, MN. May 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Kosovo Crisis: Refugee and Staff Care.” International Disaster
Management Conference, Orlando, FL. April 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. “International Disaster Psychosocial Concepts and Status.” American Red
Cross Retreat, Bulgaria. March 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Occupational Stress Management in International Work.” International
Response Team Training, Nicaragua. March 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. Occupational Stress Management Protocol for the International Red Cross
Delegate, American Red Cross. February 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. A Protocol for Psychosocial Needs Assessment in Complex Emergencies,
American Red Cross. January 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. Literature Review - Psychosocial Needs Assessment in Complex
Emergencies. American Red Cross. January 2000.
Dodge, Gordon R. “A Protocol for Psychosocial Needs Assessment in International Disasters.”
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference. Miami, FL. 1999.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Intervention Methods in Response to the Embassy Bomb Blast.” Nairobi,
Kenya. August 1999.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Meeting the Emergency Psycho-Social Needs of Kosovo Refugees.” Study
conducted and prepared for the American Red Cross and the International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. May 1999.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Kosovo Crisis - Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Kosovo Refugees.”
Disaster Services meeting, St. Paul, MN. May 1999.
Dodge, Gordon R. “The Impact of Disaster on Emergency Responders and Their Families.”
The International Disaster Management Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. February
Dodge, Gordon R. “Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Refugee Staff Working in Yugoslavia.”
International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies Conference, Washington D.C.
November 1998. Psychosocial Effects of Complex Emergencies Conference,
Washington D.C. February 1999.

8 Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D., L.P.; (651) 303-2355;
Dodge, Gordon R. “Follow-Up Mental Health Needs of Red River Valley Flood Victims.” Report
conducted and prepared for the American Red Cross. October 1998.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Referring Children for Mental Health Services.” Crisis Nursery State
Conference, Minneapolis, MN. April 1996.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Courtroom Testifying for the Mental Health Professional.” Center City, MN.
October 1995.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Understanding Data Privacy.” Pine City, MN. June 1995.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Professional Supervision.” Stillwater, MN. April 1993.
Hwang, A.S., Dodge, G.R., and Dysken, M.W. “Alteration of Sleep Patterns in Recurrent Major
Depression.” Annual of Clinical Psychiatry, 1990, 2, 103-105.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Understanding Chronic Pain.” General staff workshop, Cambridge
Regional Service Center, Cambridge, MN. April 1988.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Panic Disorders - Treatment Methods and Their Relationship with Chemical
Dependency.” Rehabilitation Staff, Hazelden Foundation, Center City, MN. March 1988.
Dodge, Gordon R. Personality Testing Norms for the Selection of State Patrol Officers, June
Dodge, Gordon R. “Integrating Community Resources with the Treatment of Sexual
Offenders.” University of Minnesota Medical School, Program in Human Sexuality.
September 1984.
Dodge, Gordon R. “The Use of Groups in Classrooms.” School Psychology Institute, University
of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI. April 27, 1983.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Child Study Systems for Preschool Emotionally Disturbed Children.”
National Council on Exceptional Children Conference, Minneapolis, MN. August 1980.
Dodge, Gordon R. “A Comparison of Language Screening Methods.” Journal of Speech
Therapy in Schools, published Fall 1980.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Rural Community Psychology Intervention Model.” National Community
Mental Health Conference, San Francisco, CA. February 1980.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Mental Health Interventions in Rural Communities.” Community Programs
Institute, Madden’s Lodge, Brainerd, MN. September 1976.
Dodge, Gordon R. “The Prediction of Post-Hospital Adjustment.” Unpublished manuscript,
August 1976.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Statewide Development of Child Study Systems.” Pupil Personnel Services
Journal. 1974, 3, 16-23.
Dodge, Gordon R. “Group Leadership Training for Educational Settings: Consideration and in
In-Service Model.” Pupil Personnel Services Journal, 1971, 1, 19-23.
Dodge, Gordon R. and Kolstoe, Ralph H. “The MMPI in Differentiating Early Multiple Sclerosis

and Conversion Hysteria.” Psychological Reports, 1971, 29, 155-159.
Dodge, Gordon R. and Dodge, Jerome P. An analysis of Current Thinking and Programs
Related to Delinquency Prevention (unpublished), prepared for the Governor’s
Commission on the Prevention and Control of Crime and Delinquency. November
Bartlett, R.M., Dodge, G.R., and Morgan, R.D. “A Training Model for Group Leadership.” The
Social Worker. November 1970.

VIII. Offices Held - Appointed or Elected
President, Board of Directors, Lakes Area Human Services, Inc. Forest Lake MN.
Member, Board of Education, Chisago Lakes Area Schools, Chisago City, MN

8 Gordon R. Dodge, Ph.D., L.P.; (651) 303-2355;
. State of Minnesota Mental Health Construction Advisory Committee, Minnesota Department
of Public Welfare, St. Paul, MN
Member, Board of Directors, Chisago County Council for Exceptional Individuals, Inc.,
. Member and Secretary, Board of Directors, Masquers Theatre Company, Forest Lake, MN
. South Center Manor Advisory Committee, Center City, MN
. Member and past President, Board of Directors, Family Resource Center, Lindstrom, MN
. Board Member, Sunrise Wellness Center, Inc., North Branch, MN
. Member, Board of Directors, Private Industry Council, SDA5 (Central Minnesota)
. Member, Chemical Dependency Advisory Committee, Health East One, Forest Lake, MN
. Member and past President, Minnesota Citizens for the Arts
. Member and past Chair, Minnesota Forensic Psychology Study Group
. Member, Board of Directors, Chisago Food Services, Inc. (Restaurant and Motel
Development Complex)
. Co-Chair, Red Cross Disaster Stress Team, Twin Cities Metro Area
. Steering Committee, Central Minnesota, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team
Co-chair, Psychosocial Section, World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine
IX. Hospital Affiliations
Consulting and affiliate staff privileges have been held at Fairview Lakes Hospital, Wyoming,
MN, North Shore Hospital, Grand Marais, MN, and Hudson Hospital, Hudson, WI.
X. Insurance Coverage
$1,000,000/$3,000,000 coverage.
XI. References
Available upon request.
XII. A Trauma and Disaster Psychology Resume is also available upon request.

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